The Multilingualism Working Group of the Pankow District Office’s Integration Advisory Board was initiated by members of the migrant:inner organizations because they had previously been involved with Lingua Pankow. External and non-MSO members later joined. They have worked together to improve and promote multilingual services for all families in the district.
Their work was accompanied by our project until the end of the activities.
Goals of the working group on multilingualism:
Promote multilingualism in the district - in the administration and in the educational institutions - and contribute to the institutionalization of multilingualism in Pankow through offers and campaigns
Expertise of the migrants: Making visible multilingualism within organizations and contributing to cross-district networking
create non-discriminatory spaces related to multilingualism
promote intercultural opening of day-care centers, schools, administration and politics.
This initiative ran fromOctober 2019 to the end of 2022, when it was decidedto merge with AK Lingua Pankow. Her work is on the portal of the district integration officeuntil 2020registered.
Important activities
Mother Language Day 2020: Mother tongue - half a language? Information, discussion, exchange - flyers
Future workshop: “Multilingualismas a political commitment" (as part of the symposium "Multilingualism in the Berlin Education System", am September 24, 2020). Cooperation with AG M. von Marzahn-Hellersdorf.
To the Pankow Integration Committee
Application to the integration committee of the Pankow district office 2021
Application: Promote multilingualism 2021
Newsletter 2021:Amendment of the school law §15: native language instruction. In 20 languages.
Day of the mother tongue 2022: "Parents daycare school: together for linguistic diversity in Pankow"
Ecaterina Badau
Ali Kalanaki
Malgorzata Symonowicz
Elena Levina (Karussell eV)
María del Carmen Orbegoso (MeM eV)
Dr. Jacky Talonto (AffBB eV)
Tanja Eichenauer
External members:
Monika Rebitzki (Pankow helps)
Monica Bergen
Ilaria Bucchioni (bocconcini di cultura eV)