VIDEO: Mother Language Day 2024: Decolonial Perspectives on Multilingualism.
This event was made possible through the collaboration between the Berlin State Agency for Political Education, the Antidiscrimination Office of Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg of the RAA Berlin, and the migraUp project in Pankow.
The long tradition of promoting multilingualism in Pankow was only possible thanks to the cooperation and commitment of AK Lingua Pankow. The co-founders of this working group were in Migra Up and it was in their interest to support and strengthen this network.
Between 2019 and 2022 a second body to promote multilingualism was established. The AG Multilingualism was a working group of the former participation and integration advisory board of our district.
In 2022, the last working groups decided to continue their work in closer connection with Lingua Pankow. Our project will actively participate in this merger process in order to bundle the work done so far.
The information between 2015 and 2021 can be found in the BA Pankow portal.
Since 2015, the main organization of the Multilingualism Day has been a local initiative of Lingua Pankow. Since 2020 and due to the corona pandemic, we have initiated a digital event. From that moment on, the expansion of the symposium to all of Berlin was a reality. At the same time there were new changes: the new concept of multilingualism at the Berlin schools and the change in §15 of the Schools Act.
Lingua Pankow, 9 Jahre später
Team Sources d´Espoir e.V.
Lingua Pankow, 9 Jahre später
Important actions:
International Mother Language Day 2023 & 2024:
With the titles: "Preserving Our 'Stateless' Languages!" (2023) & "Decolonial Perspectives on Multilingualism: First and Family Languages in Berlin" (2024), migraUp! celebrates in cooperation with the partner organizations of the Lingua Pankow Working Group the International Mother Language Day in our district every year.
Focus areas: ESU, family languages, decolonization of multilingualism, education.
Development of a guide for parent meetings in kindergartens before the school registration, available in 12 languages (2023-2024) and in 14 languages (2024-2025). This second, updated edition was made possible through the Generation AFRO project by Sources d’Espoir e.V. and funded by the Berlin Senate for Participation and Integration.
Mother tongue day: On the occasion of International Mother Language Day, the Multilingualism Working Group of the Pankow Integration Advisory Board organized the digital event "Parents-Kita-School: together for linguistic diversity in Pankow" on February 21, 2022.
In cooperation with Pankow helps, OASE Berlin eV, SprachCafé Polish eV, MaMis en Movimiento eV, RAA, Koopkultur eV,
Focus: mother tongues, multilingualism, parental participation, education
Special Stories workshop. Towards the participation of mothers and fathers in the field of inclusion and multilingualism. Using the example of the Spanish-speaking community in Pankow. As part of the Berlin Expert Day 2022. The workshop was designed by 3 actors: EvbK - parents of special children, La Familia Fetuccini and mittendrin eV Advice Center for Inclusion (Cologne)
The idea was to think more intersectionally and to include different variables through case studies. Focus: multilingualism, migration, inclusion.
Development of guidelines for parents' meetings in day-care centers before school registration in 2023. Publications in process.
Focus: multilingualism, parental participation
Participation in AG 78 - youth welfare and school in the district. This working group is currently preparing a symposium for 2023 and our Migra Up project as a member of Lingua Pankow is actively involved.
Focus: Daycare, school, multilingualism
With the support of our Migra Up project, we were able to publish some documents on our topic. You can find them in our section PUBLICATIONS:
IV - V Symposium Language for Health - Health for Languages (2018-2019)
Migrant organizations & schools in Pankow. Offers to promote multilingualism 2020
VI symposium on multilingualism in the Berlin education system, 2020
Documentation on the online event of the Multilingualism Working Group on International Mother Language Day (02/21/2022)