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Committees and Networks

Working group of migrant organizations -

Lingua Pankow

The working group serves the exchange of information between the migrant organizations and the administration. He is currently working on the topic of multilingualism. New members are cordially invited. The meetings take place every four weeks -* every 4th Wednesday of the month 1-3 p.m.

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Working group of migrant organizations - Diversity

Exchange of information, cooperation, network and working platform.

Develops joint ideas to support projects and activities and their own target groups and to transport their interests into society through: Empowerment, educational work, sensitization, lived intercultural learning, diversity-sensitive work, information. 

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Open Barriers - Better Care for Refugees with Disabilities!

The Berlin Centre for Self-Determined Living (Berliner Zentrum für Selbstbestimmtes Leben e.V.) would like to engage in an exchange with interested associations, initiatives and individuals, staff in refugee accommodation, care support centres and representatives from the administration and work on improving the care situation for people with a refugee experience and a disability or chronic illness.

Questions and registration:



Working Group on Cultural Education (KuBi Pankow)

The aim of this network formation is to link all institutions active in Pankow (schools, children's and youth centres, libraries...) with each other, to get to know each other better so that cooperations can develop. For this purpose, a tool was used in which the institution enters its areas of activity and existing cooperation partners so that existing networks become visible.

The next AG meetings are: (Up to now, the meetings have always been on Thursdays; in order to make it possible for other actors to participate, the dates will alternate between Tuesdays and Thursdays in the future).

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Women*s projects (network)

The working group is an amalgamation of Pankow women's projects and  district projects with women-specific offers. Meetings are held monthly, on the first Wednesday of each month, from 9:30 a.m. to 12 hours. Participants: Trixiewiz eV, Polki w berlinie eV, Xochicuicatl eV Riss eViG and MaMis en Movimiento eV

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BVV integration committee

The committee for integration in the local parliament in Pankow (the district assembly) meets regularly and deals with all questions relating to the topic of integration. The sessionsgenes are public. Guests are cordially invited.

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Working group of the district participation and integration officers.

The integration officers of all 12 districts exchange information regularly. Here you will find the contact details for all district integration officers. The AG is also in close contact with the integration officer of the Berliner Senates.

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Integration advisory board of the district office

The Integration Advisory Board is an elected body.

It has 20 members and meets regularly. His goal is to advise the district office on all relevant issues. The meetings are public. Guests are cordially invited.

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Democracy Life (Network)

Active partnership. “The focus is primarily on people whohave a harder time asserting their right to social participation and not being perceived as a political actor". Ideas are discussed and new partnerships are organized to implement collaborative micro-projects (500 to 5000 eur). At the end of the year, the projects and their respective financing are defined in a participatory way among all the participants..

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Network Flight & Migration (Network)

Here you will find all current information on the subject of flight and migration.

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Working group women in separation (network) Until 2022.

An initiative of Pankow women's clubs - supported by the Equal Opportunities and Integration Officer of the district

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To the blog of the working group women in separation


Network for intercultural diversity in Französisch Buchholz

The main goal of that network primarily include promoting visibility and combating racism and discrimination. This will be achieved through networking, exchanges at meetings, conducting joint activities, and initiating specific actions. 

Currently, the network is in its founding phase and is supported by MOSKITO.

Floriane Zinsou from Franz B., co-founder of the network and representative of VPDA e.V., takes on important coordination tasks. Several actors from Franz B. have already joined the network.

​Contact: Frau Floriane Zinsou (VPDA e.V.)




Netzwork Single parents Pankow

The contact and counseling center for single parents recognizes that the challenges these parents face are becoming increasingly complex. It's no wonder – they have to balance children, employment, and household responsibilities. Time pressure and low family income can lead to a vicious cycle. The aim of the developing network is to link existing services and close gaps to support single parents more quickly and effectively.


Contactperson: Dr. Frank Meissner,
Koordinierungsstelle Alleinerziehende Pankow


Mobile: 0176 4563 6673


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