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Pankow MSOs and their contributions to multilingualism and diversity in the district


Click on the image to open it and on the button for the German version.

Publisher: Sources d'Espoir e.V.

Project: migra Up!

Editorial Team: AK Lingua Pankow & Marita Orbegoso Alvarez

Layout and illustrations: Beatriz Rodríguez Flores

Photos: Marita Orbegoso, AK Lingua Pankow

Pankow, Berlin, 2024, First Edition

Captura de Pantalla 2022-04-08 a la(s) 11_edited_edited.jpg

Youth Welfare Office meets MSOs

Working group women in separation


Brochure: Fairy tales told... in your language

VI Bilingual Fairy Tale Days



Documentation on the online event of the Multilingualism Working Group on International Mother Language Day (02/21/2022)

Our stateless languages make the invisible visible.jpg

Documentation for the online event of the Multilingualism Working Group on International Mother Language Day (February 21, 2023)


Guide for parent meetings in daycare centers before school registration 


This material is available in different languages. Click on the image to open it and on the button for the German version.


Guide for parent meetings in daycare centers before school registration


This material is available in different languages. Click on the image to open it and on the button for the German version.

Carrier: Sources d'Espoir e.V.

Project: Migra Up

Editor: Monika Rebitzki

Layout and drawings: Laura Gutiérrez

AG Multilingualism of the Pankow Integration Advisory Board

Berlin & Lingua Pankow.

Sponsor: Sources d´Espoir eV

Project: Migra Up

Editor: Monika Rebitzki

Layout and drawings: Laura Gutiérrez

Multilingualism Working Group of the Pankow Integration Advisory Board

Berlin & Lingua Pankow.

Carrier: Sources d'Espoir e.V.

Project: Migra Up

Editor: Sophie Hanebrink

Layout and drawings: Beatriz Rodríguez Flores

Lingua Pankow & AG Multilingualism

Integration Advisory Board Pankow Berlin, 2023 First edition.

Carrier:  OASE Berlin  eV

Project:  Migra Up

Editor:  Dr. Gabriele Voesskuhler

Layout and drawings:  Helga Elsner Torres

Photos:  Helga Elsner Torres and Marita Orbegoso

AG Multilingualism of the Pankow Integration Advisory Board

Berlin, April 2022

Sponsor: OASE Berlin eV

As part of the “Migra Up!” Project 2021

A project funded by the Pankow District Office

Tandem project OASE Berlin eV & VIA -

Association for intercultural work - VIA eV

Project manager | Marita Orbegoso

Design | Helga Elsner Torres

Editorial content | Dr. Gabriele Voßkühler and Angela Schneider

Acknowledgments for the contributions of the migrant organizations from Pankow: MaMis en Movimiento eV, Trixiewiz eV, SHIA eV SelbstHilfeInitiative Single Parents Association Berlin, Women's Association Janainas eV, Xochicuicatl eV, Family Meeting Point Anna - SkF eV Berlin, PsyBi eV, Polki w Berlinie eV, Riss eViG and the

Pankow Youth Welfare Office.

Text correction in German | Dr. Gabriele Vosskühler

Publisher: Pankow Library + OASE Berlin eV
Design and layout: Helga Elsner Torres
Correction: Denise Rudolph 
As part of the Migra Up! 2021 A funded project  from the district office of Pankow.
Acknowledgments to all contributions of the MOs von Pankow and their representatives.

fachtag 2020_1 copia.jpg


Multilingualism in the Berlin education system

Screen capture 2020-01-24 a la(s) 1


Language for Health

Health for languages



Migrant organizations & schools in Pankow

Screen capture 2019-08-04 a la(s) 1

Fairy tale told ... in your language


fachtag 2020_1 copia.jpg

International Week Against Racism



fachtag 2020_1 copia.jpg

Expert advice for MSO in Pankow: From integration to participation




MaMis en Movimiento eV

Motherhood and migration

Immanuelkirchstr. 24

10405 Berlin


As part of the “Migrapower” 2019 project

A project funded by the Pankow District Office

Tandem project MaMis en Movimiento eV & VIA -

Association for intercultural work - VIA eV

Project manager | Marita Orbegoso

Design | Helga Elsner Torres

Concept | Bianca Monroy

Artistic support | Karina Villavicencio


for the contributions of the migrant organizations from Pankow:

Karussell eV, Kapuli Initiative, MaMis en Movimiento eV, Bocconcini di cultura eV, Sprachcafé Polish eV, BCHR eV, Trixiewiz eV and Bilingua eV and to the

Pankow City Library.

Text correction in German | Ina Taege, Justina Felgenhauer and Laila Bayraktar

Berlin, August 2019

© 2019 MaMis en Movimiento eV

Publisher: MaMis en Movimiento eV

Design and layout: Bianca Monroy

Correction: Stefanie Wohmann

Sponsor: MaMis en Movimiento eV

As part of the Migrapower 2017 project. A project funded by the Pankow district office.

Acknowledgments for all contributions by the MOs von Pankow and their representatives.


MaMis en Movimiento eV and VIA Association for Intercultural WorkBerlin / Brandenburg - VIA eV

As part of the “Migrapower” 2019 project

A project funded by the Pankow District Office

Project sponsor: MaMis en Movimiento eV

Thanks to our cooperation partner SprachCafé Polish eV;Project Lived Multilingualism; Empower Dich project (Yekmal eV);Working Group New Education ANE eV; Katarina Niedwiedzial, integration officer ofthe Berlin Senate and all those involved.

Editor:Dr. Gabriele Vößkühler

Layout:Helga Elsner Torres

Design:Bianca Monroy

Photos:Karina Villavicencio, Helga Elsner Torres and Maryna Markova.

Organizing team:Remziye Uykun, Ana María Acevedo, Dr. Anna Mróz and Marita Orbegoso.


Intercultural integration and social emotional support for women and children in exile / refuge

Screen capture 2019-02-02 from 16.

Fairy tale told ... in your language

Calendar 2018

Screen capture 2019-01-30 from 23.

Participation opportunities

in Pankow


Author: Silvia Trassi (Bilingua eV)

Publisher: MaMis en Movimiento eV

Design and layout: Andrea Aya

Images: Own source and Pixabay

Correction: Marita Orbegoso Alvarez and Christina Litrán

Translation: Dorothee Schiefer and Ramona Brzoska Sponsor: MaMis en Movimiento eV

Editor: Migrapower

Concept and design: Bianca Monroy

Sponsor: Migrapower, MaMis en Movimiento eV

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