For migrant organizations, multipliers and public institutions
SPOTKANIE NA SOFIE | "Sofa talk" with the officer for equal opportunities on the labor market (BCA) of the job center Berlin Pankow
05/11/22 | 6:00 p.m
z Rzeczniczką Jobcenter Berlin Pankow do spraw równouprawnienia na rynku pracy 11 maya 2022 o godz. 18:00
Tematem spotkania będą informacje o
świadczeniach dla bezrobotnych wg. Kodeksu prawa socjalnego II (SGB II, job center). Spotkanie będzie przebiegać w swobodnej atmosferze, pozwalającej na wymianę doświadczeń i pytań.
Jak dołączyć do spotkania ZOOM? Do spotkania można dołączyć przy użyciu komputera, laptopa, tableta lub
smartfona z podłączeniem do internetu albo telefonicznie. Do telefonicznego połączenia proszę wybrać 069 5050 0951 (w sieci stacjonarnej), podać
"Meeting ID" i "Passcode".
Spotkanie odbędzie you ONLINE on Zoom-ie.
Meeting ID: 863 2204 9125 |
Identification code: 536968
Spotkanie organized we wspólpracy z Pankower district centers, Jobcenter Berlin Pankow, Polki in Berlin eV i
Migration UP! Oase Berlin eV & VIA eV
"Sofa talk" with the representative for equal opportunities on the labor market (BCA) of the job center Berlin Pankow
on 03/24/2022, 5:00 p.m
The BCA informs you in a relaxed exchange about current topics and briefly describes how it works
of the job center Berlin Pankow as well as the various contact options with the job center.
You also have the opportunity to ask your questions.
The event will take place via the video conferencing platform ZOOM
instead of. Please use this meeting ID or the QR code for access:
Meeting ID: 856 3939 8006 | Identification code: 878759
What technology is required for participation?
PC, laptop or smartphone with internet access or a telephone. Number for telephone dial-in:
069 5050 0951 (German landline)
A joint event of
Pankow District Centers, Berlin Pankow Job Center, Polki in Berlin eV and Migra UP! Oase Berlin eV & VIA eV
Youth welfare office meets MSO": Second collegial consultation with the youth welfare office
05/11/22 | 09:00 - 11:00
Youth leisure facility Schabracke | Pestalozzistr. 8A, 13187 Berlin
As already announced, we will continue the series of events "Jugendamt meets MSO" on May 11, 2022 from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. in the youth center Schabracke (Pestalozzistr. 8A, 13187 Berlin) as part of our second collegial consultation with representatives of the youth welfare office._cc781905 -5cde-3194-bb3b-136bad5cf58d_
The meeting offers the opportunity to gain insights into the work of the youth welfare office here in the district, to develop networks, but also to exchange working methods and professional approaches.
Please let us know by 05/04/22 at Frauen.in.separation.pankow@gmail.com whether you will be there.
We look forward to you!
Members wanted for the District Advisory Board for Participation and Integration Pankow
Do you live in Pankow, come from abroad and do not feel politically represented? Would you like to get involved in participation and integration policy in your district and contribute your ideas?
Then become a member of the new participation and integration advisory board for the district of Pankow!
Who can apply?
Pankowers with a migration history Representatives of migrant organizations
Representatives of the associations/initiatives involved in integration work
Representatives of the parties represented in the district assembly
Apply online by March 18, 2022
Send your written application to: integrationsbuero@ba-pankow.berlin.de
Contact: integrationsbuero@ba-pankow.berlin.de
Workshop: New financing alternatives for Pankow MSOs
04/26/2022 | 2:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m
Workshop: New financing alternatives for Pankow MSOs
04/26/2022 | 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. | Online (via Zoom)
Sign up
One topic that continues to cause questions and headaches for our MSOs is funding. The state's municipal funding is diverse and widely known. But how much do we know about other options? For example from the private sector, and that doesn't always limit our goals as an association or initiative?
Our organizations in the Pankow district are in a time of growth and opportunity to support new initiatives and make room. Therefore, the financing options must also increase.
Taking your concerns into account, Migra Up is organizing a first meeting in workshop format on 26 April at 14:00 on “Other financing alternatives for MSOs”.
Speaker: Michael Okrob
*Michael Okrob is a high-energy, non-profit business leader with 15 years of experience building, managing and transforming award-winning social impact organizations in the fields of education, democracy and community leadership. He has exemplary partnerships between
created civil society, business and government. One example was the founding of Teach First Germany. Recognized for creating strong
Organizational cultures and the development of highly effective teams, Michael was Managing Director of the START Foundation until 2021. He is currently the new CEO of the ZFoundation: https://zfoundation.org/who-we-are
We will be very happy to have him with us. Our invitation applies in particular to the Pankow associations and initiatives with a history of migration or flight.
Members wanted for the District Advisory Board for Participation and Integration Pankow
Do you live in Pankow, come from abroad and do not feel politically represented? Would you like to get involved in participation and integration policy in your district and contribute your ideas?
Then become a member of the new participation and integration advisory board for the district of Pankow!
Who can apply?
Pankowers with a migration history Representatives of migrant organizations
Representatives of the associations/initiatives involved in integration work
Representatives of the parties represented in the district assembly
Application deadline extended to April 15, 2022!
Send your written application to: integrationsbuero@ba-pankow.berlin.de
Contact: integrationsbuero@ba-pankow.berlin.de
Jourfixe with the Pankow City Library
25.05.22, 27.07.22, 28.09.22, 30.11.22| 15:00-17:00
Regular meetings with the Pankow City Library for planning, organization and support for joint events in the district.
Panel discussion #EmpoweredByYou
04/13/22 | 18:30-20:30
Reading room of the Berlin State Center for Political Education | Hardenbergstr. 22-24, 10623
Invitation to the panel discussion #EmpoweredByYou
"Through encounters and exchanges with politically active people, the event wants to promote the motivation of the participants for further commitment and participation in - and outside of the political bodies (e.g. administration, authorities, etc.). In this way we want the local politicians to gain important experience and motivation to be given along the way.
We look forward to our podium guests:
Ms. Kim Thy Tong – JU/Young CDA/Climate Union
Ms. Elif Eralp – Die LINKE
Mr. Jian Omar - Alliance 90/The Greens
Mr. Vasili Franco – Alliance 90/The Greens
Mr. Orkan Özdemir – SPD
Mr. Björn Wohlert - CDU
In addition, a representative of the Berlin Commissioner for Migration and Integration will represent the perspective of the administration on the panel. The 3G Plus rule applies at the event (access only for those who have been fully vaccinated or have recovered or people with a negative PCR test. A negative rapid antigen test is not sufficient.) The on-site discussion takes the form of a moderated fishbowl (inner and outer circle method ) takes place, so that an interactive exchange between the podium guests and the visitors of the event is guaranteed. Since space at the venue is limited, we ask that you register by March 12th at kommpaktiv@bzi-kommpaktiv.de
We look forward to your participation and are happy to answer any questions you may have.
dr Dorothea Fuhr - Project Manager"
Contact: kommpaktiv@bzi-kommpaktiv.de
Barcamp “pARTicipation in Pankow”
03/19/22 | 2:00 p.m. - 6:30 p.m
Anyone who walks through the streets of Pankow can hear it everywhere: our district is multilingual everywhere. About a quarter of all people who live here bring cultural experiences with them from countries on all continents.
However, the visibility of this diversity and of those who, with different cultural backgrounds, help shape Pankow's art and culture scene, is likely to be much greater.
Quite a few migrant organizations and artists would like more information about networking and access to the existing art and culture scene.
We cordially invite you to get in touch with us! We want to address the following questions, among others:
• Which challenges have to be overcome in order to participate in cultural life?
• How can the equal participation in the district's art and cultural events and the existing Berlin funding landscape be transparently and sustainably secured?
• How can we learn more about each other through art, initiate discourses or simply - and last but not least - simply experience art and culture together?
As part of a digital bar camp, we would like to develop ideas with you on how future participation of migrant communities in Pankow's art and culture scene can be better.
Inviting: Office for Further Education and Culture: Department of Libraries, Department of Art and Culture, the District Commissioner for Participation and Integration, Project Migra Up! and PANDA Platforma.
Sign up
Contact: fbkuk@ba-pankow.berlin.de
Workshop: Copyright, KSK and GEMA - a jungle for you as an artist?
03/24/22 | 2:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m
Workshop: Copyright, KSK and GEMA - a jungle for you as an artist?
Sign up
As soon as artists are active in projects, many questions arise: who owns a text that was created in a writing workshop? How do I have to pay tax on the sale of an image? When can I join the KSK, i.e. the artists' social security fund, what are my advantages? What does collecting societies such as GEMA, GVL, VG Wort and Bild mean? We address all these complicated questions in a very clear and simple way, so that you as an artist feel safe.
Workshop with Ulrike Düregger, performing artist, singer/songwriter, activist at Total Plural eV
International Mother Language Day
02/21/22 | 18:00-21:00
On the occasion of the International Mother Language Day, the AG Multilingualism organizes the Integration Advisory Board Pankow on February 21 from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. the digital event:
"Parents day care school: together for linguistic diversity in Pankow"
Please register by February 18th using the following link:
Un tiempo para mí, manana de respirar
01/19/22 | 10:30 - 12:30
UN TIEMPO PARA MI, MAÑANA DE RESPIRAR With Rakel Sosa, Life Coach especializada en la prevención y manejo del estrés
19/02 (horas 10:30-12:30)
En este segundo encuentro del año de padres, madres y abuelos de niños con necesidades especiales, recibiremos herramientas para manejar la ansiedad y las emociones.
Necesitaras ropa cómoda y un yoga matt
Encuentro Virtual by Zoom
Escribenos and email: info.evbk@gmail.com
No te lo pierdas!
Un eventto de EvbK (parents of special children)
Weeks Against Racism 14.-27. March 2022
14.-27.03.22 | different times
This year's Weeks Against Racism (March 14-27, 2022) is just around the corner and some of you are already planning one or more events or campaigns. Please enter them here by February 13 so that they also appear in the official programme: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeiKzZzhC_Qk1m6eTvelnRJuwboLJlAifF_yh9ukkmDgUvsRw/viewform
Make the weeks known to your sponsors, clubs, institutions and friends, talk about them and refer to the homepage and the pages on Facebook and Instagram:
Web: www.pankow-against-racism.de/
Facebook: www.facebook.com/pankow gegenracsismus/
Instagram: www.instagram.com/pankow gegenracsismus/
AK Diversity
The AK Diversity is a platform for the exchange of information and ideas on the topics of diversity and variety in Pankow. The jointly developed projects and activities support the target group and transport their interests into society. The areas of work include empowerment, education, diversity-sensitive work, workshops, consulting and the formation of networks.
New organizations are very welcome!
Lingua Pankow
23.02 and every fourth Wednesday of the month | 1pm-3pm
On the initiative of the Pankow migrant organizations, the Lingua Pankow working group has existed in the district since 2015. He is accompanied by the integration officer. The aim is to promote multilingualism in the district, to inform the Pankow population about the topic and to publicly point out the advantages of multilingualism.
More information on our website
More information on the homepage of the Pankow District Office