Seminar series
11/26/2019 | 16: 00-18: 00
Securing livelihoods for single parents - seminar
How do I finance my children and myself as a single parent? What state aid is there? Can I claim social benefits?
Social worker Jessica Albrecht (SHIA eV) presents financial support options.
Jessica Albrecht (SHIA eV)
Registration is required at Frauen.in.trendung.pankow@gmail.com
For childcare, please register by November 19th.
08/20/2019 | 10: 00-12: 00
Seminar "Livelihood Security for Single Parents"
How do I finance my children and myself as a single parent? What state aid is there? Can I claim social benefits? Social worker Jessica Albrecht presents financial support options.
The number of participants is limited to 20.
Registration (until August 16, 2019)
Where: Self-Help Initiative Single Parents (SHIA) eV | Landesverband Berlin (seminar room) Rudolf-Schwarz-Str. 31, 10407 Berlin.
05/06/2019 | 10: 00-12: 00
Separation and divorce of a binational couple. seminar
Dr. Mercedes Hervás will give a lecture on the legal situation of separation for women with a migration background or EU and non-EU nationals.
In the seminar, bottlenecks in relation to child custody are identified, which have arisen from the experience of the speaker and the guests.
Dr. Mercedes Hervás. Lawyer specializing in residence law, immigration law, family law, mediation in family law, nationality law, international family law, among others, working in Berlin since 2004.
Where: Joint collective bargaining community | Kollwitzstrasse 94/96, 10435 Berlin.
15.08, 22.08 and 29.08.2019 | 18: 00-19: 30
Workshop series "I can be here - Season 1 / Série de oficinas: nosso lugar (de fala) - Ediçao 1
As a result, several workshops are offered that give the women tools and strategies so that they can settle in better in Germany and prepare for the job market. Collective Janainas.
08/15/19 Nonviolent Communication
Speaker: Leticia Utermohl
Event language: Spanish and Portuguese.
08/22/19 Optimized Woman
Speaker: Tatiane Pereira
Event language: English and Portuguese
08/29/19 My story is mine: Global learning and integration
The event is part of the Education Meets Development program by Engagement Global and in conjunction with Xochicuicatl eV
Speaker: Evelyne Leandro
Event language: German and Portuguese.
Leticia Utermohl, architect and urbanist at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Global Learning Advisor. Co-founder of the women's collective Janainas. In 2014-2018 she was a mediator at the Freeing Dreams Institute. Participated in the Warrior without Weapons program in Brazil in 2014.
Tatiane Pereira, Doula, Master in Psychology and Culture from the University of Brasília. She has been working as a psychotherapist since 2013. In 2017 she founded a women's group for Brazilian women in Berlin and in 2018 co-founded the collective Janainas for the empowerment of migrant women.
Evelyne Leandro, business economist, advanced training as a project manager, currently works at Bread for the World. Global Learning Advisor. Former district councilor. Board member of Raupe und Schmetterling eV, co-founder of the women's collective Janainas.
Registration for non-violent communication
Registration My story is mine: global learning and integration
06/06/2019 | 17: 30-19: 30
Comunicación en situaciones de estrés y conflicto / communication in stress and conflict situations. seminar
Due to the large number of registered participants, the language of the event is Spanish.
Cuando hay un conflicto, de la índole que sea, es importante mantener una buena comunicación, sobre todo con interlocutores que tienen poder de decisión sobre nuestros
interests. Por ejemplo el inicio de un juicio de familia es una decisión que afecta y cambia nuestra vida. Es un antes y un después. Hay situaciones en las que no puede evitarse y otras
en las que si.
Como mujeres nos afecta no solamente a nosotras sino también a nuestras hijas e hijos.
Una de las facetas determinantes en esta situación es poder trasmitir claramente cuál es nuestra posición y cómo vemos o planteamos nuestras expectativas frente a los distintos
subjects that participan en el juicio.
En general nos Finderamos en las etapas previas y durante el juicio de familia en situación de diálogo con empleados públicos, de la oficina de menores, representantes legales de nuestras
hijas e hijos, abogados propios y abogados de la contraparte, jueces ya veces hasta psicólogos o asesores familiares, sin hablar de nuestra ex pareja con la que la comunicación tampoco es fácil.
It must be imported into this phase but expresar nuestra voluntad para hacerla respetar.
Muchas mujeres vamos al juicio de familia convencidas de que obtendremos una solución justa y acorde a nuestras necesidades y las de nuestras hijas / os y luego nos vemos sorprendidas en
nuestra ingenuidad cuando obtenemos resultados inesperados.
Todos conocemos las frases “No tenemos química para comunicarnos”, “Siempre tengo que estarme justificando y justificar lo que hago”, “Simplemente no entienden lo que quiero decir”, “No puedo imponerme”. Estos problemas de comunicación son tanto más importantes cuando nos movemos en un ámbito de interculturalidad y expresándonos en un idioma extranjero.
Aquí aprenderemos técnicas para poner de nuestro lado a nuestro interlocutor, para obtener mejores resultados, expresar nuestra posición y opinión con convicción y firmeza, stepando de evitar un conflicto y evitando malos entendidos ..
La Dra. Lilian Esteller tiene una experiencia de largo aliento en la solución de conflictos en calidad de Doctora en Derecho y Ciencias Sociales y abogada de familia y Notaria en su país de origen. En su caracter de asesora del Ministro de Educación y Cultura de Uruguay abogo por la protección de los derechos humanos, especialmente de los menores y las mujeres y en contra de la violencia de género. En Alemania trabajo como docente en la escuela primaria, bachillerato y en la Universidad. Actualmente realiza coachings y es integrante del directorio de "Mother Lobby eV": y de la "AG Women and Families".
When a conflict arises, regardless of its nature, it is important to maintain a good work environment. Communication, especially with interlocutors who have the power to decide about our interests. For example, starting a family lawsuit is a decision that has implications and changes in our lives. There is a before and an after. There are situations in which it cannot be avoided and others which can.
As women, we are not only affected, but also our daughters and sons.
One of the crucial facets in this situation is to clearly convey what our position is and how we see or express our expectations given the various factors involved in the judicial process.
In general, in the run-up to and during the family court proceedings, we are in talks with actors from the public service, the youth welfare office, the legal representatives of our daughters and sons, our own lawyers and those of our opposing parties, judges, and occasionally even psychologists or family advisors Not to mention our partner, with whom communication is not easy either.
At this stage it is very important to know how to express our will well in order to have it respected.
Many women go into family negotiations because they are convinced that we will find a fair solution according to our own and children's needs. Then we are surprised when we get unexpected results.
We all know the phrases: "We don't have the chemistry to express ourselves", "I always have to justify myself and what I do". "They just don't understand what I mean", "I can't get my way." These communication problems are all the more important when we are in an environment of interculturality and expressing a foreign language.
Here we learn techniques to put our interlocutor on our side, to get better results, to express our position and opinion with conviction and determination and so we try to avoid conflicts and misunderstandings.
Speaker: Lilian Esteller, Dr. of the law and social sciences of UDELAR (from Uruguay). As an advisor to the Minister of Education and Culture of Uruguay, she has inter alia for the protection of human rights, especially those of children and women, and in the areas against gender-based violence. In Germany she works as a teacher in elementary school, high school and at the university. She is currently doing coaching and is a member of the board of the "Mutterlobby eV" and the "AG Women in separation".
Where: Joint collective bargaining community | Kollwitzstrasse 94/96, 10435 Berlin.