Despite Corona Virus: Pankow remains active!
On this page we share multilingual information about these times of quarantine in Germany as well as useful tools and documents for our families and MSOs.
Press releases and measures by the Berlin Senate
SARS-CoV-2 Infection Protection Ordinance of January 12, 2021
Senate passes SARS-CoV-2 Infection Protection Ordinance of June 23, 2020
Ninth ordinance amending the SARS-Cov-2 Containment Measures Ordinance of May 28, 2020
Press release from May 15, 2020: Corona emergency aid package V starts on May 18, 2020
Press release from May 6th, 2020: Countering racism especially in times of Corona
Press release from May 3rd, 2020. Coronavirus: Currently 6004 confirmed cases in Berlin
Press release from April 24th, 2020 (from Pankow) : District office plans to gradually relax the restrictions caused by Corona
Press release from April 21, 2020: Retail: Supermarkets, Spätis, drugstores and shops
Press release from April 21, 2020: Measures to contain the spread of the coronavirus decided
Catalog of fines to punish violations of the Ordinance to Contain the Coronavirus in Berlin
Senate Department for Education, Youth and Family: Corona sample hygiene plan for Berlin schools
Federal government press releases
Economic stimulus package: "An ambitious program"
Recommendations from the MSOs:
Total Plural eV #vorbildcorona: An action that recommends the neighbors to stay at home.
Xochicuicatl eV : News about Corona Virus in German and Spanish. Berlin en tiempos de Coronavirus: informarse, reaccionar y apoyar a les más vulnerables.
Migra Up !: Joint collage as part of the international weeks against racism. Call to participate.
Information for parents:
Homeschooling: Offer of the youth leisure facility "Der Alte"
List of digital media for parents
SiBUZ Pankow: When school takes place at home - Tips for families (PDF)
Bocconcini di cultura eV : Il coronavirus spiegato ai bambini (video animation)
MaMis en Movimiento eV, Trixiewiz eV, Bocconcini di cultura eV, Bilingua eV, SprachCafé Polish eV : multilingualism in the ear (free advice on Facebook and on mobile phone on the subject of multilingual child rearing). Possible languages: Spanish, Farsi, Portuguese, Italian, Polish, Arabic, German.
Polki w berlinie eV recommends: German Society for Psychology DGPs: Psychological consequences of Corona and what to do - explained in 3 minutes for children from 6-12
Clever on the net: the first prevention app against sexual abuse of children
ADAS / Life eV (May 7, 2020): grading in homeschooling
ADAS circular for June 16, 2020: Students with disabilities in homeschooling
“Proud and free of judgment” a group for relatives of queer children and adolescents
Heinrich Böll Foundation: On the Right to Education in Times of the Pandemic (June 24, 2020)
Summer vacation in Corona times
LEA (State Parents Committee Berlin) Newsletter 04/2020 with a focus on vacation planning
Summer holidays in Berlin 20 20 in Corona mode. Blog - The parents' site. Author: Daniela von Treuenfels (June 25, 2020)
Press releases from the State Parents Committee
Press release of June 10, 2020: Return to regular operation in schools
Resolution of May 15, 2020: "Children with special support needs and committee work"
Decision of June 19, 2020: "Binding standards for the implementation of the educational mandate"
Important documents and information from and for MSOs in Pankow:
YAAR eV: Web blog with new information and updates on dealing with the current COVID-19 pandemic (Farsi)
Polki w Berlinie: New telephone numbers for information and psychological counseling (Informacje i porady psychologiczne osobom)
Information for grant recipients District grants and integration funds (PDF)
OASE Berlin eV : Brochure Recommendation "Conversation in Social Work" (Author Wolgang Widulle)
OASE Berlin eV: Brochure Recommendation "Intercultural Conversation (Author Edwin Hoffman)
The Paritätische Gesamtverband : Tips on online tools during Quaräntane days
The Paritätische Gesamtverband: The Paritätische Gesamtverband: QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS ABOUT CORONA
Copyright and personal rights in joint work A guide created for the joint welfare association by Dr. Till Kreutzer, iRights.Law lawyers
Integration office Pankow for MSOs : Exchange of ideas during the Corona period. Take part! #That works!
LSB Berlin: Solidarity campaign and "Move at home" campaign to cope with stress
Important information about finance:
Tax return: who has to submit it to the tax office and when. Status: 01/13/2020