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Agata Koch

Born in Poland, German studies, language lecturer and translator as well as initiator of the SprachCafé Polish as a model concept for local socio-cultural multilingual initiatives.

She writes bilingual poetry and prose texts, book author. As a project coordinator, among others of "Living Multilingualism", and member of the committees, she is committed to bilingualism and multilingualism. Mother of children who grew up speaking several languages.

"Encounters are important" is the motto of the many years lived in stimulating diversity of cultures, languages and generations.



Agata Koch urodziła się w Polsce, jest germanistką, lektorką, tłumaczką oraz inicjatorką Polskiej Kafejki Językowej jako modelu lokalnych inicjatyw kulturalno-społecznych.

Pisze w dwóch językach lirykę i prozę, jest autoką.

Jako koordynatorka projektów, "Wielojęzyczność na co dzień" / "Living multilingualism", oraz członkini gremiów propaguje ideę życia w dwu- i wielojęzyczności. Matka dzieci wychowanych wielojęzycznie.

"Spotkania są ważne" to each motto przewodnie wielu lat spędzonych w inspirujących środowiskach różnych kultur, języków i pokoleń.

dr Lilian Vázquez Sandoval

Mexican, graduated in Linguistics. She completed a master's degree in intercultural education at the FU Berlin and did her doctorate on reconstructive milieu and family research.

A Master of Education in Spanish and English Philology was added.

In Marzahn-Hellersdorf and Pankow she works for MaMis en Movimiento eV, where she works as a multiplier for multilingualism and intercultural education at the interface between languages, audiovisual media production and intercultural education. As part of the project "Living Multilingualism", a cooperation between MaMis en Movimiento and SprachCafé Polish,  She works in the areas mentioned with the target groups of day-care centers and multilingual families.



Dr Lilian Vázquez Sandoval nació en México, en donde estudio Idiomas. En la FU Berlin complete una maestría en educación intercultural e hizo su doctorado en investigación reconstructiva sobre medios sociales y la familia. Tiempo después completó la maestria en pedagogía en filología española e inglesa.

In Marzahn-Hellersdorf y Pankow trabaja para MaMis en Movimiento eV como multiplicadora de multilingüismo y educación intercultural, vinculando estos con la production de medios audiovisuales. Su trabajo en Pankow en el marco del projecto "Vive el multilingüismo", una cooperación entre MeM eV  y SCP eV, está dirigido a guarderías y familias multilingual.

Olenka Bordo Benavides

She is an educator and social scientist. She heads the contact and specialist office for protection against discrimination at schools and day-care centers in Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg. Olenka Bordo Benavides also works as a lecturer and author as well as an external evaluator for the Berlin educational program. Since 2015 she has been part of the collective SVK - self-defense course with words.


Olenka Bordo Benavides (RAA Berlin) es educadora y científica social. Conducting the official specialization for protection against discrimination in escuelas and guards in Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg. Olenka Bordo Benavides also trabaja como conferencista y autora, así como evaluadora externa del programa educativo de Berlin.

Desde 2015 forma parte del colectivo SVK - curso de defense personal con palabras -.

Petronela Bordeianu

Petronela Bordeianu - Koopkultur eV has worked as a high school teacher in bilingual classes in France and Romania. Since moving to Berlin in 2014, she has been involved in integration projects for the Romanian migrant community. At Koopkultur eV she leads educational workshops for multilingual children, in which science, art and language come together.



Petronela Bordeianu de la Koopkultur eV a lucrat ca profesoaraă în class liceale bilingve în Franța și România.  De când sa mutat la Berlin în 2014, ea a fost implicată în project de integrare pentru comunitatea de migranți din România.  La Koopkultur eV conduce ateliere educaționale pentru copii multilingvi, în care știința, arta și limba se reunesc.

Thuy Luong

Thanh Thùy Luong, currently school social worker at Barnim High School on parental leave. Field report as former head of the Vietnam working group (language and culture of Vietnam) and commissioner for international affairs (school partnership, Vietnam trips, Vietnamese parents' meetings, Vietnam evenings). Supporter for the language of origin lessons Vietnamese in Berlin.



Lương Thanh Thùy – Nhân viên tham vấn tâm lý giáo dục học đường thuộc trường trung học Barnim-Gymnasium (Berlin – Lichtenberg) đang trong thời gian nghỉ nuôi con.

Chia SE kinh Nghiem khi CON Phụ Trach lớp Ngoại KHOA Tieng Viet và Văn HOA Vietnam, cUNG như kinh Nghiem tô Chúc các Chương trình kết nghĩa với Trường ở Vietnam, CAC chuyện giao lưu văn hóa tại Vietnam, CAC BUOI hop Phụ huynh Việt Nam, các chương trình Đêm Việt Nam) khi con là thành viên Ban quan hệ quốc tế của trường. Người đồng đấu tranh cho môn học “Tiếng Việt – ngôn ngữ cội nguồn” được đưa vào giảng dạy ở Berlin.

Veronica Schallnau

“I was born in Lima - Peru. My warm Peruvian family and the multicultural atmosphere of Lima helped me grow up in a diverse and colorful environment”.

She has lived in Germany for 27 years, where she gave birth to and raised three beautiful children. She has been working as a teacher since 2002. In 2008 she founded the corporation "El Mundo de los Ninos" eV.  That means: “The world of children”. These are bilingual Spanish-German kindergartens in Berlin. In 2018, in addition to her work with the association, she completed training in coaching and as a consultant, supervisor and mediator in process-oriented work (Process Work) at the Hanuman Institute in Berlin.



“Nací en Lima - Peru. Mi cálida familia peruana y el ambiente multicultural de Lima me ayudaron a crecer en un ambiente diverso y colorido”.

Verónica vive en Alemania desde hace 27 años, donde crió a sus tres maravillosos hijos y donde trabaja como educadora desde el 2002. A partir del 2007, fundó la Asociación El Mundo de los Niños eV (jardines infantiles hispano-alemanas en Berlin). In 2018, además de su trabajo con la Association, culminó mi formación como coach, consultora, supervisora y mediadora in the trabajo de processes (N Process Work) in the Instituto Hanuman in Berlin.  La motivan los desafíos y siempre disfruta abrir nuevos caminos.

Willi Stotzka

Willi Stotzka has lived in Germany and Spain, has been a teacher and moderator for Spanish at the Staatliche Europa-Schule Berlin (SESB) since 1995, and has been the coordinator for all languages in the Berlin Senate Education Administration since 2009. In various initiatives since his retirement in 2017. and organizations actively promote multilingualism at the Berlin school.




Willi Stotzka was vivid in Alemania y España, was professor and moderator in Spain at the Staatliche Europa-Schule Berlin (SESB) in 1995 and coordinator of all the idiomas in the Administración de Educación del Senado in Berlin in 2009. Aunque ya se ha jubilado el 2017, sigue activo en various initiatives and organizaciones para el multilingualism en la escuela de Berlin.

Simone Wahl

Christina Scheike

Simone Wahl - Specialist advice for the federal program "Language Day Care Center" at DaKS eV

"Language Kitas: Because language is the key to the world" is a program of the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ). One of the four focal points is “everyday integrated language education”

Experience as daycare manager of German-French daycare centers in France and Germany / author of comparative studies of educational systems / lecturer in early childhood multilingualism / coordination and professional support of the translation of the Berlin education program into French.



Christina Scheike,  German-Russian day care center Römerweg in Lichtenberg -  Deputy Head, currently acting  leader. The day-care center cooperates with the Staatliche Europaschulen Berlin (SESB) Lev Tolstoy Elementary School.

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