For migrant organizations, multipliers and public institutions
The aim is to promote multilingualism in the district, to inform the Pankow population about the topic and to publicly point out the advantages of multilingualism.
Dates 2024
Every 2 months - fourth Wednesday 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. and special events:
01/24/24: Annual planning and language card Pankow - Endangered Languages Documentation Program - Jägerstraße 22/23 10117 Berlin. Room 228-230.
20.02: Mother Language Day. 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. "Decolonial perspectives on multilingualism. First & family language in Berlin. - Berlin State Center for Political Education. @belapobi. INVITATION
03/27/24: 13 o'clock. Multilingual Parents' Corner in Buch & Karow. @mamis_bukabuchkarow. In MAIL - Florapromenade 4.
05/22/24- 13 o'clock:Speak dating Play at @sprachcafepolnisch
06/26/24: Networking. Time and location will be announced soon.
09/25/24 - 1 p.m.: FLINTr*Aum: SafeSpace for FLINTA* refugees and others - @trixiewiz_ev
11/27/24 -1 p.m.: Panel discussion with education speakers from political parties in Pankow on the topic of multilingualism and implementation of Article 15 of the School Law
December 2024:End-of-year dinner together.
Contact: Marita Orbegoso
e-mail: leitung@migra-up.org

Platform for the exchange of information and ideas about diversity in Pankow.
The joint
developed projects and activities support the target group and convey their interests to society.
Dates 2024
every second Thursday of the month - 10 a.m.
We usually meet at the meeting place Husemannstraße 12, 10405 Berlin
11. Jan & 08.Feb:
Annual planning 2024
14 March : Monika Flores Input - Husemannstraße 12, 10435 Berlin
April 11: peer consultation. Husemannstraße 12, 10435 Berl
02 May . Kulturmarkthalle ( Hanns-Eisler-Straße 93, 10409 Berlin
June 13th: Freizeithaus Weissensee Pistoriusstr. 23 · 13086 Berlin Workshop on anti-Semitism.
11 July Husemannstrasse 12, 10435 Berlin
August (break)
September 12th Husemannstraße 12, 10435 Berlin (Trixiewiz eV BeVisible Alumni)
Oct 10 : Trixiewiz - FlintA*Raum Project
November 14th: “Anti-Roma Racism – Transfer, Critical Self-Care in the Face of Racism: Discrimination Against Rom*nja Children in Education”
December 12th: “Addressing Antisemitism: A Decolonial and Intersectional Perspective.” Part II.
Contact: Ricke Merighi
e-mail: beratung@migra-up.org

Each third Thursday per month
Bocconcini di cultura e.V., Sources d´ Espoir e.V. , InterFEM Frauenkollectiv e.V. MigrArte Perú e.V.
The aim of this networking is to connect all institutions active in Pankow (schools, children's and youth centers, libraries...), to get to know each other better, so that cooperations can arise. For this purpose, a tool was used in which the institution enters its areas of activity and existing cooperation partners, so that existing networks become visible.
Meeting dates for the AG 2024:
February 15, April 18, May 23, June 20, July 18 (?)
August: Summer break
September 19
October (KuBi Week)
November 4, December 19: Year-end closing; Planning of dates for 2025; Topics for 2025
KuBi Week (October 11 to 18)
Multicolor Table
March 18, from 11 am to 2 pm - FreiZeitHaus
Tuesday, June 4, from 2 pm to 5 pm - at Kulturmarkthalle
Thursday, November 28, from 12 pm to 3 pm
Locations will be announced soon.
Contact: laschewski@kubi-pankow.de

Afrofuturist approaches from decolonial practice
Location: Ja!Space
Neumagener Str. 11, 13088 Berlin
Access by public transport
Means of transport:
Bus stop: Neumagener Straße – Take bus 156, X54
Nearby tram stop: Berliner Allee/Rennbahnstr. Tram 12, 27, 50, M1, M2, M4, M13
What you can expect:
🌍 Live music from all over the world
🎨 Sustainability and Art Workshops
🍴 Culinary experiences
🎈 Activities for children
🤝🏿Community Safe Space
🕐 Admission from 13:00
Mark your calendar and #savethedate ! Let's share our diverse, yet similar ways of enjoying life together, in community and harmony. Because in these times we need an oasis to celebrate (re-)encounters!

In the network meeting for refugees and migration in Pankow, the district office of Pankow works together with various actors from the field of refugees and migration. In order to ensure continuous exchange, the district office invites you to a network meeting about every six weeks.
Contact: Anne Speck

Collegial advice
Youth Welfare Office meets MSO , from 9 to 11 a.m.
The meeting offers the opportunity to gain insights into the work of the Youth Welfare Office here in the district, to develop networks but also to exchange views on working methods and professional approaches.
17.04.24, in der Schabracke - Pestalozzistraße 8a13187 Berlin.
Contact: Ricke Merighi
E-mail: beratung@migra-up.org

democratic participation through citizenship and voting rights?
On Saturday, 07 September 2024
from 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
SportsYouthCenter Buchholz
Blankenfelder Str. 50, 13127 Berlin

Round table on work and training in the migration society,
MSO members:
Sources d'Espoir e.V. , VPDA e.V., MaMis en Movimiento e.V., Trixiewiz e.V., PANDA e.V.
Part-time training has been open in principle to all interested parties since 2020, but is still little used. Part-time training offers a great opportunity to start training early, especially for prospective trainees who still need to improve their language skills in addition to their training.
The initiative circle plans to hold two additional Round Table sessions on 18.03.24 and 13.05.24, both from 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM. The sessions will take place at the Neuer Hirschhof Neighborhood House, Oderberger Str. 19, 10435 Berlin.
Contact: sylke.ohl@ba-pankow.berlin.de

MSO Members:
MeM eV, DABIV eV, Trixiewiz eV, MigrArte Perú eV, Sources d´Espoir eV, RISS eV, Polki w Berlinie eV & Xochicuicatl eV.
There are numerous offers for women in the district of Pankow. The list of these organisations, which includes several MSOs, can be found in a brochure published annually by the district's equality body.
This group meets on the first Wednesday of each month from 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
** Our project participates monthly, but has the responsibility to co-organize the session on decoloniality.

Decade of Indigenous Languages: Sociolinguistic and political perspectives
on Tuesday 15.10.24
from 5 to 7:15 p.m.
Lise Meitner Hall, Academy Wing of the Berlin State Library,
10117 Berlin
In an increasingly globalized world, speakers of indigenous languages face a number of challenges that threaten their existence. Giving up their indigenous language for the language of the majority, such as English or Spanish, promises access to education and resources. At the same time, however, their indigenous language is a carrier of invaluable cultural and linguistic wealth that should be protected and celebrated.
For this special occasion we are organizing an event with Dr. Mandana Seyfeddinipur, Director of the Endangered Languages Archive (ELAR) & ARTivisten eV.
Dr. Seyfeddinipur is a linguist and internationally recognized expert in the documentation and preservation of endangered languages. She will share her experience and knowledge on this important topic with us.

On the way to a
Culture of participation in Pankow’s cultural institutions
On Wednesday, October 16, 2024
from 9:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Conference room of the BerlinBioCube, House D95, Robert-Rössle - Straße 10,13125 Berlin
This event, organized in collaboration with the Pankow Municipal Library, was intended to relaunch coordination between the district's cultural departments and MSOs. Unfortunately, the event has been postponed until further notice.

Multilingualism and implementation of Section 15 of the School Act
On Wednesday 27 November 2024
13 - 15 hs.
At SprachCafé Polnisch e.V.
Panel discussion: Multilingualism in the local political agenda and implementation of Section 15 of the School Act
Organized by AK Lingua Pankow, this panel discussion brings together representatives of the democratic parties of the Pankow district to discuss the importance of multilingualism in the local political agenda. The focus is on the implementation of Section 15 of the School Act, which deals with the promotion of multilingualism in schools.
Our Guests:
·Carola Ehrlich-Cypra, Bürgerdeputierte, Fraktion Bündnis 90/Die Grünen, Pankow
Henrik Hornecker, Mitglied der BVV Pankow, SPD-Fraktion Pankow
Jurik Stiller, Sprecher für Kulturpolitik, Partizipation und Integration der Linksfraktion Pankow
Moderation: Petronela Bordeianu (Koopkultur e.V.)
The event offers a platform for the exchange of ideas on the challenges and opportunities of multilingualism in education and its integration into political decision-making at the local level.

Network meeting for single parents in Pankow.
Topics of the meeting will include:
Presentation of new projects
News from the network and working groups.
An invitation with a program will follow shortly.
Contact: Frank Meissner
Email: frank.meissner@shia-berlin.de
Image: RomaniPHEN eV

French Buchholz Network against Racism
The main objective of this network is to promote visibility and fight against racism and discrimination in Französisch Buchholz. This is to be achieved by creating networks, exchanging ideas at meetings, carrying out joint activities and initiating targeted measures.
The network is currently in the founding phase and enjoys the support of MOSKITO. Floriane Zinsou from Franz B., co-founder of the network and representative of VPDA eV, takes on important coordination tasks. Several actors from Franz B. have already joined the network.
Contact: Ms. Floriane Zinsou (VPDA eV)
Welcome to the list franz-buchholz@lists.visionen-fuer-pankow.de

Extraordinary meeting of the AK Lingua Pankow: " Mapping the map ".
In the ELAR - Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities
Jägerstrasse 22/23
10117 Berlin. Room 437
In continuation of our common idea, which will lead to further projects in the future, we invite you to an extraordinary meeting to conduct a planning workshop with organizations interested in this process.
The workshop will be led by Dr. Mandana Seyfeddinipur.
We look forward to your participation!
Contact: Marita Orbegoso.
Email: leitung@migra-up.org

Advice center for single parents in Pankow
Jessica Albrecht has taken over the new contact and advice center in Pankow. As in all other districts, Pankow also has a contact and advice center that, together with the coordination center, looks after the needs of single parents. While the coordination center deals with the support structures, the contact center advises single parents directly.
Through regular exchange, problems and deficits can be forwarded or dealt with directly.
Contact: Jessica Albrecht
Tel. 0176 43 47 30 19,

Week against racism
"Ancestral Voices in Dialogue: Decolonial Reflections on Language Discrimination in Pankow"
On March 19, 2024, 5 p.m.
Language Café Polish eV
Die Veranstaltung zielt darauf ab, die Bewahrung indigener Sprachen mit dem Kampf gegen Rassismus in Berlin zu verbinden, unterstützt von einer Expertin für Sprachen des peruanischen Amazonas. Im Rahmen des UNESCO-Dekade der indigenen Sprachen (2022-2032) besteht das Ziel darin, das Bewusstsein für die Bedeutung dieser Sprachen zu schärfen, kulturellen Austausch zu fördern, Diskriminierung gegenüber indigenen Bevölkerungen hervorzuheben, die Revitalisierung ihrer Sprachen voranzutreiben, lokale Teilnahme zu fördern und Maßnahmen gegen Diskriminierung zu unterstützen. Diese Veranstaltung soll ein Motor für Inklusion und Respekt in Pankow sein und die sprachliche und kulturelle Vielfalt feiern.
In Kooperation mit ELDP - Endangered Languages Documentation Program
Referentin: Dr. Kelsey Neely
Kontakt: leitung@migra-up.org

Motherlanguage Day 2024
On 20.02.24. From 16 to 20 hs.
In Berliner Landeszentrale für politische Bildung, Hardenbergstraße 22 · 10623 Berlin.
Working title:
“Decolonial perspectives on multilingualism: First and family languages in Berlin - on International Mother Language Day”
A collaboration between the Berlin State Center for Civic Education, Sources d'Espoir e.V. - Project migraUp! Pankow, AuF-FK, Anti-Discrimination Agency Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg/RAA Berlin Endangered Languages Archive (ELAR) & AK Lingua Pankow.

Symposium Early childcare
On 29. May 2024.
Carl-von-Ossietzky-Gymnasium. Görschstraße 42/44, 13187
Organized by the Youth Welfare Office under the working title "Myth of the Family?! - Diversity of Family Images in Early Assistance Pankow".
An initiative of the Pankow Youth Welfare Office in cooperation with various state organizations and civil society.

EU Elections 2024
Eed Be Eed e.V. & migraUp! in cooperation with Pankow´s Organisations
MigraUp is organizing events to promote cooperation between MSOs (Migrant Civil Society Organizations) and multilingualism ahead of the European elections. Under the leadership of the organization Eed be eed e.V., four workshops are being organized in collaboration with various organizations, including MigrArte Perú e.V., SprachCafé Polnisch e.V., MaMis en Movimiento e.V., migrationsrat, Frauen*Netz Pankow, and EWA Frauenzentrum. Two dates have already been set: one workshop in German on May 8th and another in Spanish on May 28th. Further events for young eligible voters in the northern part of Pankow and a workshop in Polish are planned.
Ahmad Denno:
Image: Berliner Zeitung

Working group "Open barriers - provide better care for refugees with disabilities!"
13.05.24 um 14:15 Uhr in der GU STK 118 stattfinden. Adresse: Storkower Straße 118 in 10407 Berlin (Das Gebäude der STK 118 befindet sich nicht direkt an der Straße, sondern genau hinter dem Gebäude der Arbeitsagentur. Siehe Karte.)
WG "Barriers open - better care for refugees with disabilities!"
On 11.12.23, 14.15-16 hs. in Fröbelstr. 17, House 9, Room 411
The Berlin Center for Self-Determined Living (Berliner Zentrum für Selbstbestimmtes Leben e.V.) would like to work together with interested associations, initiatives and individuals, employees in refugee accommodations, care support centers and representatives from the administration in order to improve the care situation of people with refugee experience and disabilities or chronic illnesses.
With the support of the new interim commissioner for People with Disabilities in the Pankow district, Nicole Trommer. For questions and registrations please contact: caroline.winkler@bzsl.de

Working Group AG §78 Youth Welfare / School. On March 06th, from 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM at Kurt-Schwitters School
Coordination meeting among members of this working group, including representatives from the state and civil society.
Starting this year, migrant organizations from the district are also represented.
Meetings 2024:
Malalai Nezam.
Department of Youth and Family, Office of Coordination for Youth Welfare and School (Jug JHS). Tel.: (030) 90295 - 7119
Mobile: 0151 188 52516

Sociolinguistic and political Perspectives in frame the international decade of indigenous languages
On 15th October 2024 - 17hs.
In an increasingly globalized world, indigenous languages face a series of challenges that threaten their existence. However, they are carriers of an invaluable cultural and linguistic wealth that should be protected and celebrated.
For this special occasion, we are organizing an event with Dr. Mandana Seyfeddinipur, Director of the Endangered Languages Archive (ELAR). Dr. Seyfeddinipur is an internationally recognized expert in linguistics and language preservation of endangered languages, and she will share her experiences and knowledge on this important topic with us.
The event will take place on October 15th at 5:00 PM as part of the decolonial month.
Registrations: leitung@migra-up.org