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For migrant organizations, multipliers and public institutions


Fairy tales told ... in two languages ​​2020. Coordination: MSOs and libraries

10/13/20 | 10 a.m.-12: 15 p.m.


Meet with storytellers. Organization as well as logistical and technical support for the libraries.


Fairy tale told ... in two languages

05.11.20-20.11.20 | See Appendix


Whether in Polish, Russian, Italian, Quechua, Spanish, Arabic, Hebrew, Armenian, Swahili - the fairy tales are also told in German.

The 5th Pankow Bilingual Fairy Tale Days take place parallel to the 31st Berlin Fairy Tale Days Tandems Project Migra Up! (OASE Berlin eV and VIA eV), which work together with the Pankow City Library to strengthen multilingualism. The readings are free and last around 45 minutes. Admission is free.

Registration at the respective library.

Learn more (brochure)



"Quality management

for MSOs- ( k) a book with seven seals "

23.10.2020 / 06.11.2020 / 20.11.2020 | 10:00 am-2: 00 pm

OASE Berlin eV | Schönfließer Str. 7 10439 Berlin

Regular tasks of the public administrations for the integration of immigrants are increasingly being transferred to non-profit organizations, especially to migrant organizations. In order to legitimize the financial support, donors see themselves compelled to request evidence of the quality efforts of the project sponsors as evidence of the effectiveness and efficiency of the funded projects. Terms such as quality development, quality assurance or
Quality management often has a deterrent effect on new or small migrant organizations, as they are associated with high financial costs.

With the series of workshops we want to show that this does not have to be the case. Rather, it is about systematically dealing with structures and processes
and results of our organizations to make our weak points as well as our strengths and development potentials visible. This should increase the self-esteem of the organization members, improve the external perception by our target groups and, last but not least, facilitate access to funding.

In the first module we want to answer the following questions:

- Is quality management important for our work and if so, why?
- How is the definition of quality of our work influenced?
- Which resources do we need for a functioning quality management?

The dates are as follows:

Structural quality: October 23, 2020 (room 58)

Process quality: November 6th, 2020 (room 58)

Result quality: 11/20/2020 (room 61)

Speaker: Gabriella Török (OASE Berlin eV)


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09/10/2020   | 1: 00-3: 00 p.m.

City library book |   Wiltbergstrasse 21, 13125 Berlin

The logo competition micro-project was created with the support of Karussell eV and the AG Multilingualism of the Integration Advisory Board Pankow. The aim of this project is to create a logo for the multilingual working group with the help of Pankow pupils. On October 9th the award ceremony will be given to students in Pankow who have reached 1st, 2nd and 3rd place and the new logo of the AG Multilingualism of the Integration Advisory Board will be presented to the public.

In cooperation with the AG Multilingualism Marzahn-Hellersdorf, AG Diversity and Respect of the Hufeland School and Pankow helps! With the support of the educational association for books and the Migra Up project (OASE Berlin eV and VIA eV)

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Subject of the drawing: MULTILINGUALITY

From now!


The logo competition micro-project was created with the support of Karussell eV and the AG Multilingualism of the Integration Advisory Board Pankow. The aim of this project is to create a logo for the multilingual working group with the help of Pankow pupils. In our society today, multilingualism is becoming more and more important and important. It helps us to better understand and appreciate our fellow human beings and their diverse cultures. The working group of the integration advisory board leads and supports projects that promote multilingualism and interculturalism in the district. The multilingual working group has not yet had a way to identify itself in society. A good way to do this is to create a logo for the AG. But so that the creation process represents the goals of the working group as well as possible, it was decided to turn it into a drawing competition for schoolchildren in the district. The best drawings are awarded with 1st, 2nd or 3rd places and then forwarded to a graphic designer, who then creates the actual logo from it. The following video should be used as a tutorial for the students on how to create a logo in the first place. After watching the video, the students should come up with a logo that best represents multilingualism for them. Only one picture may be sent in per participant.

Your logo should be drawn on an A4 sheet of paper with colored pencils, markers or colored pencils and then sent as a photo to the following email:

A project by Karussell eV and the AG Multilingualism of the Integration Advisory Board Pankow.

In cooperation with the AG Multilingualism Marzahn-Hellersdorf, AG Diversity and Respect of the Hufeland School and Pankow helps! With the support of the educational association for books and the Migra Up project (OASE Berlin eV and VIA eV)

You can find more information in the flyer or in the video


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Symposium MULTILINGUALITY IN THE BERLIN EDUCATION SYSTEM: Teaching in the language of origin and the perspective of migrant organizations

09/24/20 | 10:00 am-3:30pm

Online conference

Berlin lives many cultures and languages. Multilingualism cannot be overlooked. However, there is an urgent need for institutional support for multilingualism.

The central topic of the symposium is multilingualism in the Berlin education system with a focus on the implementation of native language teaching in Berlin schools.

The Berlin Senate Administration is currently developing a concept of multilingualism in Berlin schools. The aim of the symposium is to use their specialist knowledge to involve migrant organizations in particular in shaping this concept.

Discuss with us!

Your organizational team


What to expect:

You can find the program here

You can find the promotional video here

You can find the summary here




(Corona) crisis as an opportunity? Between excessive demands and uncharted territory

Dates to be defined

Home schooling, home office, learning new skills and virtual meetings with friends every evening ... Is that the chance? Or does the rhetoric of self-optimization just make us even more stressful? Crisis comes from the ancient Greek word krisis, decision but also separation and distinction. This is the chance that we could all have to give each other the opportunity to differentiate and decide. The time is often too short for that and our energies are even scarcer. Then why an online seminar now? Many of the excessive demands that we experience are structural and common. That is why we can be inspired, strengthened, and empowered by each other.

Method: We want to invite you - online as long as nothing else is possible but soon offline - to a mutual exchange on the topic of crisis, challenges and excessive demands in a professional and activist context. We will work interactively and process-oriented in order to share experiences, feelings and stories and to be able to reflect together.

Target group: Employees and volunteers from migrant self-organizations in Pankow.

Max 12 participants per appointment.

Time frame: Online appointments: 2 hours every 2 weeks from June. Offline appointments: 4 hours every 2 weeks from June.

More information here and at

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Advisory Session: Financial Issues in Support of the MSO

online via zoom

Expense allowance, flat rate for trainers, questions about tax returns, economic business operations, sales tax ...

Do we have financial resources? How are they used properly and legally? We don't have them? The tax return of our associations is pending soon. As part of our Migra Up project and thanks to the expertise of VIA eV, our institutional partner, we meet multipliers and members of migrant organizations to discuss their financial issues.

Consultant: Xiao Zhu - Finance Coordinator - Association for Intercultural Work

** After this meeting, any organization can arrange a bilateral appointment with Mr. Zhu.

Registration and registration here.

Further information on registration or the event at

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#That works! action


The integration office Pankow starts the campaign # DasLaufen! Take part!
For all of us, corona means restricting social contacts. We want to stand together and exchange ideas during this time! That is why we show under # DasLaufen ! what creative solutions you have found to continue your work and commitment.

Share your ideas with us! We show what's going on! 👏🏽👏👏🏿
Send a short video 🎬 to the integration officer in Pankow:

We publish your ideas here under #NeuinPankow and on our website at:…/politik-un…/beauftragte/integration/

Technical support:

Learn more

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Online campaign "Together against Racism." International Weeks Against Racism "- Pankow shows his colors!

Online action

The International Weeks Against Racism this year is dedicated to the racially motivated murders in Hanau. In memory of the murdered and the many other victims of racist violence in Germany and Berlin, we are sending a clear message with the International Weeks: We do not tolerate racism. We stand together!

The events as part of the week against racism have been canceled due to the corona virus, but Pankow is making a clear statement against racism - also online!

Many neighbors, migrant organizations and Pankowers have sent us a photo and we have created a collage and posted it on our Facebook page every day.

Take part!

Send your photo with a message to below the keyword * week against racism *

Find out more (on Migra Up Facebook)

Find out more (District Office Pankow)


Music with swing

04/23/20 | 3: 00-3: 30 p.m.

online via zoom

From April 23rd, 2020 we will meet at Zoom. Prior registration by email is a prerequisite for participating in the meeting:

Music with swing - music and movement for preschoolers in Polish.

Thursdays 3:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.

We invite you to make music. During the meeting we will sing, dance and listen to different types of music. We get to know the basic concepts of music, work forms and dances. In a playful way, we learn how to write down notes and play different musical instruments. Thanks to music, we develop imagination, sensitivity and a sense of order. We have a lot of fun.

Group size max. 10 people

Contribution to expenses per appointment: 7, - €, payable in block: for 12 appointments until Easter and for 8 appointments until the summer break 2020; Single lesson € 9.

Moderator: Barbara Stillmark, rhythmist, journalist, teacher of Polish as a foreign language.


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Subjetividad, feminidad y crisis de pareja en confinamiento

04/14/20 | 5: 00-7: 00 pm


La situación de confinamiento actual, si bien es una medida de protección sanitaria necesaria frente a la pandemia del COVID-19, ha llevado a que las dinámicas de pareja se vean afectadas. Aun cuando estos cambios pueden provocar cierto malestar al interior de las parejas, algunas logran instaurar acuerdos a fin de preservar la integridad de la misma. En otras parejas, por el contrario, los acuerdos se tornan imposibles debido a que, para uno o para los dos partenaires, esta situación no resulta de fácil asimilación. Las resonancias de este impacto se complejizan en aquellos casos en los que preexistía un malestar, el cual no fue tattado anteriormente y que corre el riego de agravarse si no se toman las medidas respectivas por parte de la pareja, o al menos, por parte de uno de los partenaires. Este malestar puede traducirse en la presencia de reacciones inesperadas, llegando en algunos casos a la agresividad o incluso a la violencia; situación que se agrava aún más cuando la pareja cuenta con niños, ya que éstos terminan viéndose afectados por los conflictos no solucionados entre los padres. Teniendo en cuenta que this dinámica está afectando considerablemente a las mujeres y, muy especialmente, como se observa en Berlín, a mujeres migrantes, desde Espacio de Palabra las estamos invitando a conversar sobre esta problemática. A partir de situaciones expuestas por las participantes, en las que se presentifique la crisis de pareja, generaremos un ejercicio de análisis y reflexión, buscando diferenciar qué dificultades tienen que ver con cada una, cuáles son propias del cónyuge y cuáles conciernen a los dosos. Esto permitirá a acompañar a cada participante en la formulación de alternativas posibles a sus propias necesidades y las de los niños (en caso de que los haya). Cierre: Evaluación, alternativas y recomendaciones según cada caso.

Speaker: Diomar González Serrano

Psicoanalista -Diplomada en psicología

Psychoanalytic Library Berlin eV

Event in Spanish with possible translation into German.

As part of the AG Women in Separation Pankow - in cooperation with the open office hours at the Psychoanalytic Library

Multilingual psychoanalytic offers - free of charge. See website:

Registration / registro:

Learn more

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Subjetividad, feminidad y crisis de pareja en confinamiento

04/14/20 | 5: 00-7: 00 pm


La situación de confinamiento actual, si bien es una medida de protección sanitaria necesaria frente a la pandemia del COVID-19, ha llevado a que las dinámicas de pareja se vean afectadas. Aun cuando estos cambios pueden provocar cierto malestar al interior de las parejas, algunas logran instaurar acuerdos a fin de preservar la integridad de la misma. En otras parejas, por el contrario, los acuerdos se tornan imposibles debido a que, para uno o para los dos partenaires, esta situación no resulta de fácil asimilación. Las resonancias de este impacto se complejizan en aquellos casos en los que preexistía un malestar, el cual no fue tattado anteriormente y que corre el riego de agravarse si no se toman las medidas respectivas por parte de la pareja, o al menos, por parte de uno de los partenaires. Este malestar puede traducirse en la presencia de reacciones inesperadas, llegando en algunos casos a la agresividad o incluso a la violencia; situación que se agrava aún más cuando la pareja cuenta con niños, ya que éstos terminan viéndose afectados por los conflictos no solucionados entre los padres. Teniendo en cuenta que this dinámica está afectando considerablemente a las mujeres y, muy especialmente, como se observa en Berlín, a mujeres migrantes, desde Espacio de Palabra las estamos invitando a conversar sobre esta problemática. A partir de situaciones expuestas por las participantes, en las que se presentifique la crisis de pareja, generaremos un ejercicio de análisis y reflexión, buscando diferenciar qué dificultades tienen que ver con cada una, cuáles son propias del cónyuge y cuáles conciernen a los dosos. Esto permitirá a acompañar a cada participante en la formulación de alternativas posibles a sus propias necesidades y las de los niños (en caso de que los haya). Cierre: Evaluación, alternativas y recomendaciones según cada caso.

Speaker: Diomar González Serrano

Psicoanalista -Diplomada en psicología

Psychoanalytic Library Berlin eV

Event in Spanish with possible translation into German.

As part of the AG Women in Separation Pankow - in cooperation with the open office hours at the Psychoanalytic Library

Multilingual psychoanalytic offers - free of charge. See website:

Registration / registro:

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Subjetividad y maternidad en situación de confinamiento

04/07/20 | 17: 00-19: 00


The actual contexto de emergencia sanitaria ocasionada por la pandemia de virus COVID-19, que nos ha obligado a asumir drásticas medidas de protección tales como el confinamiento, hace aún más compleja la situación de algunas mujeres en condición de madres migrantes. Ellas, además de seguir cotidianamente respondiendo a sus responsabilidades hogareñas, maternales y laborales, se han visto confrontadas a asumir nuevas responsabilidades, como el cuidado permanente y el apoyo escolar de los niños en casa, en algunos casos contreado de los niños. La mayoría de estas mujeres logran sortear este duro momento desde la innovación a la cual esta inédita coyuntura está dando lugar, más no sin costo subjetivo y, en ocasiones, relacional. La actividad que proponemos pretende explorar con las participantes aquellas circunstancias ante las cuales se han visto confrontadas, desde su ser madre, con mayor dificultad, que incluso las pudieron llevar a reaccionar de manera ineducada frente a sus hijos, causando a éstar no só, sino a ellas mismas. En el Espacio de Palabra nos dedicaremos a detectar las circunstancias en las que se presentan estas dificultades, acercándonos a ubicar los factores subjetivos que pueden estar motivando estas dificultades que vivencian las mujeres. Una vez reconocidas, las analizaremos y contando con el apoyo de la interviniente, buscaremos que cada participante logré form sus propias alternativas de resolución.

Speaker: Diomar González Serrano

Psicoanalista -Diplomada en psicología

Psychoanalytic Library Berlin eV

Event in Spanish with possible translation into German.

As part of the AG Women in Separation Pankow - in cooperation with the open office hours at the Psychoanalytic Library

Multilingual psychoanalytic offers - free of charge. See website:

Registration / registro:

Learn more

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MigrArte Perú Women's exchange - en tiempos de cuarentena

03/27/20 | 19: 00-21: 00


Women's exchange of the women's collective MigrArte, members and interested parties during Quaräntane days.

You can attend the online appointment through Zoom using this link:

Meeting ID: 493 938 135
Password: 030997

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Women * webinar - measure, energies, ovarian cycles -

03/31/20 | 10: 00-13: 00


How to Read Symptoms to Find Lifestyle Solutions
and the day-to-day organization of food, home, work and love.

Focused on the female * hormonal balance. Read through the lens of comparative studies on cycles.


Teacher: Anna Buzzoni, interpreter for hormones, languages ​​and the matrix of ecosystems. Founder of Medulla-cicli selvatici femminili / wild female cycles

Equipment needed: PC, strong internet connection, audio and video, printer, paper, pencil / pen.

Registration: Please register by email at

You will receive the questionnaire shortly before the day of the seminar together with the instructions for accessing the webinar.

This online seminar takes place in cooperation with Medulla - Cycles and Insights Medulla - cicli selvatici femminili / wild female cycles and is part of the women * safe * point project
founded by the master plan for integration and security.

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Advisory Session: Financial Issues in Support of the MSO

04/03/20 | 10: 00-14: 00

SprachCafé Polish eV | Schulzestrasse 1, 13187 Berlin

Expense allowance, flat rate for trainers, questions about tax returns, economic business operations, sales tax ...

Do we have financial resources? How are they used properly and legally? We don't have them? The tax return of our associations will arrive soon. As part of our Migra Up project and thanks to the expertise of VIA eV, our institutional partner, we meet multipliers and members of migrant organizations to ask and exchange their questions in the financial sector.

Consultant: Xiao Zhu - Finance Coordinator - Association for Intercultural Work

** After this meeting, any organization can arrange a bilateral appointment with Mr. Zhu.


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Follow-up and preparatory meeting for the International Weeks Against Racism

04/02/20 | 10:00

STZ Prenzlauer Berg, at Teutoburger Platz | Fehrbelliner Strasse 92, 10119 Berlin

We are preparing the weeks for Pankow and are working together to prepare for 2021. We have invited the organizers of the Weddinger Weeks Against Racism.

[moskito] Specialist and network office against right-wing extremism, for democracy and diversity

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AK Diversity

The AK Diversity is a platform for the exchange of information and ideas on the topics of diversity and diversity in Pankow. The jointly developed projects and activities support the target group and convey their interests to society. The areas of work include empowerment, education, diversity-sensitive work, workshops, advice and the formation of networks.

New organizations are very welcome!

More information

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Lingua Pankow

April 22, May 15, June 10, August 12, September 9, October 14, November 11, 2020 | 10: 00-12: 30

Different locations in Pankow

On the initiative of the Pankow migrant organizations, the Lingua Pankow working group has existed in the district since 2015. He is accompanied by the integration officer. The aim is to promote multilingualism in the district, to inform the Pankow population about the topic and to publicly point out the advantages of multilingualism.

More information




Integration Advisory Board Pankow - support

March 24, April 28, May 26, August 11, September 15, October 20, December 15, 2020 | 5:30 p.m. - 7:45 p.m.

Town hall Pankow | Breite Str.24a-26, 13187 Berlin

The integration advisory board is an elected body. It has 17 members and meets regularly. Its aim is to advise the district office on all relevant issues. The meetings are open to the public. Guests are cordially invited. Our project accompanies the development process of this body.

Contact: Sara Ghayour-Mobarhan:

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IV Meeting "Buds In Purple"

03/21/20 | 11: 00-14: 00

Women's circles | Choriner Strasse 10, 10119 Berlin

This session is framed by the Women's Month. With the work they have done - design skirts and messages on them - prepare a performance that will be shown at the final intercultural picnic on June 6th.

This time we will meet in the women's circle to practice our choirs and common actions.

Workshop leader: Rocío Vásquez

As part of the actions of the women's collective MigrArte Perú

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"Mother tongue - half language? On International Mother Language Day"

02/20/20 | 18:00

Panda theater | Knaackstrasse 97, 10435 Berlin

A meeting on multilingualism: information,
Discussion, exchange. We discover common paths and strengthen our own language and identity.

• My mother tongue - how important is it to me?
• Mother tongue - what makes it come alive, how does it become
• Problems and misunderstandings in dealing with
• Multilingual children's books: bridge between the

Cultures or language learning tools?
• Ideas for parents, daycare and school
• Tips that help us in everyday multilingual life

Target group:
• Interested parents
• Teachers and educators
• and of course everyone who advocates multilingualism


With Mariela Nagle, consultant for international children's literature and multilingualism (international children's bookstore “Mundo azul”)

Organized by the AG Multilingualism of the
Integration Advisory Board Pankow and MigraUp.

Drinks and snacks will be provided.

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"Mother tongue - half language? On International Mother Language Day"

02/20/20 | 18:00

Panda theater | Knaackstrasse 97, 10435 Berlin

A meeting on multilingualism: information,
Discussion, exchange. We discover common paths and strengthen our own language and identity.

• My mother tongue - how important is it to me?
• Mother tongue - what makes it come alive, how does it become
• Problems and misunderstandings in dealing with
• Multilingual children's books: bridge between the

Cultures or language learning tools?
• Ideas for parents, daycare and school
• Tips that help us in everyday multilingual life

Target group:
• Interested parents
• Teachers and educators
• and of course everyone who advocates multilingualism


With Mariela Nagle, consultant for international children's literature and multilingualism (international children's bookstore “Mundo azul”)

Organized by the AG Multilingualism of the
Integration Advisory Board Pankow and MigraUp.

Drinks and snacks will be provided.

Learn more

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INVITATION to the award ceremony

02/28/20 | 17:30.

Emma-Ihr-Saal, Rathaus Pankow| Breite Str. 24a-26, 13187

On the occasion of International Women's Day on March 8, 2020, the Pankow District Office will award the Pankow Women's Prize for the first time.

The award ceremony is accompanied by the Pankow singer Gerlinde Kempendorff-Hoene and the pianist Christine Reumschüssel.

Afterwards there is the opportunity to talk to someone with a snack and a drink.

Commitment by and for women deserves more public attention and appreciation. The Pankower Women's Prize is intended to make a contribution to this.

The prize is intended to honor individuals, women's projects and initiatives that work for the rights of women and girls and promote gender democracy. The prize is awarded annually.


V Meet "Buds In Purple" - Feminism and Decolonization

04/04/2020 | 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

Women's groups Choriner| Street 10, 10119 Berlin

We begin the next stage with a view to May 1st, a date that is symbolic for the world and of great value for us women as well.

This time we will meet to reflect on work, the role of women and the constant inequalities we face today. Even more so if we include migration. We are interested in occupying spaces in the neighborhood and showing our reflections. Through these reflections and the support of creativity, we will create materials that will be made visible on May 1st in one of the squatters' houses in Prenzlauer Berg.

This work will be carried out in two sessions in April. The first session invites us to broaden the feminist perspective and become aware of other variables such as migration, integrative language and the decolonial approach in our daily life.

Workshop leaders: Thais Vera (decolonization) and Carmen Barrenechea (migration. Introduction to the Arpillería).

As part of the activities of the women's group MigrArte Perú

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VI Meeting "Buds In Purple" - Arpilleras: Cuadros Que Hablan

04/25/2020 | 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

Witzlebenstrasse 39, 14057 Berlin

This time we will meet to reflect on migrant women through the Arpillería.

The arpilleras are an alternative and creative form of peaceful protest by many women in Latin America.

Arpilleras are paintings made from scraps of fabric, wool, which are used to decorate walls, but also to convey a political message. In the 1970s, during the dictatorship, they were used by political prisoners in Chile or by the mothers of the Plaza de Mayo in Argentina.

In Peru, women from various human settlements also used the sackcloth to convey their gender issues. Under the name "Mujeres Creativas" (Creative Women) they reflected on their situation and held several exhibitions. There are several groups in the world with this theme, and it is from this experience that we will introduce our girls to this world.

Maximum number of participants: 10
Material: fabric or patchwork, garlic, yarn, jute, wool, colored knitwear, pens, paper.

We will continue to brainstorm by building pictures for the May 1st public event.

Workshop leader: Carmen Barrenechea.

Project in cooperation with the Frauenkreise eV with the support of the Democracy Life Pankow program.

As part of the activities of the women's group MigrArte Perú

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IX Meeting - Picnic Buds In Purple

06/06/2020 | 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Prenzlauer Berg district center | Fehrbelliner Straße 92, 10119 Berlin

Completion of the first stage. Meeting for exchange, evaluation and organization of the second half of the year.

As part of the activities of the women's group MigrArte Perú

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© 2023 by Migra Up. 

Sponsor: Sources d'Espoir eV | A project funded by the district office of Pankow.

Design & drawings by Helga Elsner Torres & Beatriz Rodríguez.

Data protection


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